How to use Trio strategy to detect trend changes in Olymp Trade
Trio strategy is a strategy based on three indicators, which are defensive trading strategies that help predict trend changes. The three indicators are RSI (Relative Strength Index), Williams% R, and CCI (Commodity Channel Index). The combination of the three indicators not only shows the direction of the future trend but also the best entry point for successful trading. Don’t be surprised by the number of indicators. I explained here everything needed to easily use the Trio strategy on the Olymp Trade platform. A chart will appear on the page. This chart is the most transparent to the revised strategy. Now click on the symbol of the chart function and look for the indicator. You can find them under the Oscillator. Click “RSI”. Repeat these steps for Williams% R and CCI. All indicators are next. You can change some parameters, such as line color, line width, or period. When satisfied, observe the line and wait for the signal. The Trio strategy uses RSI, Williams% R, and CCI oscillators.
Use the triple strategy to establish a long position on Olymp Trade
Your main job is to observe the indicator line, and I will tell you what to look for. The RSI indicator line moves up and crosses all 30 lines. The Williams% R histogram moves above the 80 lines. The green CCI oscillator line crosses the 100 lines from below and continues upward. If you only notice the above two signals, that is, if two of the lines or better all signal lines, this That’s enough. 3. Go up from the lowest point and go long.
Use the Trio strategy to short on the Olymp trading platform
For a sell transaction, look for the following signals: The RSI line moves down and crosses the 70 lines from the top.% R Williams’ histogram fell below the 20 lines. The CCI line crosses all 100 lines in the downward process. Similarly, if only two of these signals appear, you can go short. Two are enough to predict the changes and final thoughts of the trio’s strategy. When the market you choose is not volatile, the triple strategy works best. Use medium risk tools. Adjust the expiration time appropriately. According to the triple strategy trading, the expiry time must at least correspond to the time range of the chart, but it can be longer. The combination of three indicators, i. H. RSI, Williams% R, and CCI provide fairly robust and reliable strategies. First use it on your Olymp Trade demo account, once you get it, please transfer it to your real account. Please be aware of the risks involved in using real money. Most likely, you will suffer losses, and you need to be prepared for this. Pleasant negotiation!
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