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Weekly Earning Plan on Pocket Option platform

Weekly Earning Plan on Pocket Option platform

Get weekly returns at Pocket Option

October turned out to be a good month for me. Even though my profits have gone down a bit in the last two weeks, I have still been able to make money every day. I made about $1000 in profits during the whole month of October.

This guide is for you if you’ve ever wondered how to keep making money at Pocket Option. Find the answer to your question here. Let’s get to it!

Many traders struggle to trade on the Pocket Option platform. How can I get a consistent profit?

The important role of patience

Patience is a virtue. Sometimes it’s better to trade less than to trade just for the sake of trading. Some days, I only make four trades. Or even less. You have to figure out what the best market conditions are before you can even think about making a trade. And you can’t figure out the market until you’ve spent many hours patiently looking at the charts.

Your plan has to be part of the analysis. The conditions you want to find must be good enough for your strategy to work. Also, you can’t switch to a different market just because it’s not a good time to get into this one. Trading well is a game of waiting.

I know that my chances of making money on trades are better if I wait until the market is in the right place. This game reminds me of the sniper, who has to wait for the right moment to make a good shot.

The best traders are like snipers in every way. They are patient and wait until the right time to start trading. Having a plan that is unique to you will help even more. I think you should make one that goes along with your trading goals.

If a trader wants to make $100 per day, the plan will be different from if he or she wants to make $50 per day. To make a good trading plan, you will need to think about two main things. One is about your own transactions, and the other is about how your Pocket Option account is run in general. Now, the part about your own trades is about the market conditions you need to enter the trade, like:

The amount of money put into a single trade
The type of financial tool you want to use
How long the trade will last
Capital management plan
The last thing on the list is that the plan for managing capital should include:

How much you want to make in one day
How many purchases you want to make in a day.
How much money you want to make on each trade
The amount of money you’ll need to make a certain amount of money every day.
The most money that could be lost before the end of trading for that day.
It’s not that hard to make a trading plan. What’s coming up next is. I mean, it’s easy to make a plan, but it’s hard to use it, stick to it, and work on it. A trader who does well will keep a trading journal. It keeps track of all the trades and why each one took place. It helps to figure out how well something did.


It is very helpful to keep your own trading journal. All of the articles on are based on our own experience, and we haven’t written anything we haven’t tried. Now, if you want to make good money, I want you to use what you’ve learned. And keep the trading journal, of course.

Earning money with Pocket Option

Professional traders can teach you a lot, both from their mistakes and from what they do right. It can help you make more money as a trader faster. And this is what the website has.

Don’t forget, though, that the only way to improve your skills is to use them. There is no easy way to be successful. And this is where the demo account for Pocket Option comes in handy. Trade on a free practice account for a while before you switch to a real account. That won’t make sure you’ll be successful, but it will help.

Building your personal plan at Pocket Option

There are three ways to make money. One is to trade on your own. This way, you are the only one who can make you successful or not. How you build and carry out your trading plan is up to you.

The first thing I did when I started trading at Pocket Option was to open a free demo account. I worked on my skills for about a month. Then I thought I was ready to switch to a real Pocket Option account. I put in $30 and hoped to make $2 a day.

If everything went as planned, by the end of the week I would have made $10. I chose a time frame of 5 minutes and an investment amount of no more than $1. And I still follow those rules.

You might be curious about the other two ways to make money. Well, the second is to pay for signals.

This way, you don’t have to spend hours figuring out how the market works because someone else will do it for you. Then they’ll tell you when it’s time to make a trade. But remember that they won’t pay for any losses you might have.

You can also put your money in the hands of fund managers.

They trade in your name and then split the money they make with you. But it comes with a pretty big risk. There have been times when big investment funds went bankrupt. Also, you will need a lot of money to get started.

I would vote for the first choice without a doubt. Do it yourself and be in charge of all your trades. I’ve been using Pocket Option for 4 months, and each month I’m making a lot of money.

I’m able to make money because I have a good personal trading plan and use good strategies for managing my money. I’m sure you’ll be better off if you do the same.

More tips on how to generate sustainable profits at Pocket Option

The amount you invest per trade should be less than or equal to 5% of your account balance. Some traders put a lot of money, or even all of their money, into one trade in hopes of getting a big return. But since trading is risky, it could be the last trade they ever make.

Also, you should only do a few transactions per day. I don’t make more than 10 trades per day. You might think that the more you sell, the more you’ll make. But it doesn’t always work like this. In fact, it makes the risk even bigger.

When you want to try a new strategy, you should first use your demo account. You will avoid some losses this way.

Pick a time frame that’s longer than one minute. When you look at the charts for longer, they are just easier to understand. And if your analysis is right, you will most likely make money.

Here are some good tips I have for you that will help you make money at Pocket Option all the time. Do you have something to add? Or, do you want to tell us about yourself? This is what the comments section below is for!





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