Multibagger Stock:
In recent years, long-term investors have received substantial returns on their shares of K&R Rail Engineering. In point of fact, this small-cap stock that is listed on the BSE is one of the multibagger stocks that the Indian stock market has produced over the course of the past year. Everyone has expressed their appreciation for this BSE stock. from the 18.65 406.80 level each, bringing in 2,100 percent at the present time.
As was mentioned earlier, this small-cap multibagger stock is a great example of how the power of compounding can boost your returns if you keep investing over time. This multibagger stock has increased significantly in value over the past month, reaching a level of 224 406.80 shares per share, resulting in a distribution of 80% to shareholders. This small-cap stock has increased by nearly 500 percent in the year-to-date (YTD) period, reaching close to 65 406.80 per level. Similarly, this stock that is listed on the BSE has gained close to Rs. from the 26.50 406.80 per share level, with 1,450 percent upside in the future.
Similarly, this BSE-listed multibagger stock has boomed in the past year. from the 18.65 406.80 level, a close to 2,100 percent increase during this time.
Taking cues from the price history of this multibagger stock, an investor who invested 1 lakh in this BSE stock a month ago would now have invested 1 lakh, or 1.80 lakh. If a person had put one lakh into this small-cap stock at the start of the year 2023, that would be six lakhs today. In a similar vein, a one-lakh-dollar investment in this small-cap multibagger stock six months ago would now be one lakh, 15.50 lakhs.
In a similar vein, if an investor had invested one lakh in this multibagger small-cap stock a year ago and invested the same amount in BSE-listed stocks all year, the total would now be one lakh two lakhs.
The BSE is the only market where this multibagger stock can be traded. The BSE’s market cap ended the previous session at 641 crore, and on Wednesday, there were 55,614 transactions. Its 52-week low is Rs 17.30, and its 52-week high is 442.85 per share.